Shelton Pottery
Home made pottery by Ken and Valerie Shelton


The Craft Potters Association of Great Britain

The association was formed as the Craftsmen Potters Association (CPA) in 1958 as a co-operative to sell the work of its potter members and to increase general awareness of the craft. There are now some 150 Fellows, 200 Professional Members and 500 Associate Members. The CPA is the national body representing ceramic artists in the UK. Its aim is to advance and encourage the creation of fine works in ceramics and to foster and extend the interest of the public in such objects and to promote their value in society.


Potters may apply for Professional Membership of the CPA; potters are invited to submit work to the Council who will judge the merits of the work and elect suitable candidates. Associate Membership is open to everyone interested in pottery on payment of the annual fee; for younger potters there is a student membership category.

For information about CPA membership contact:

The Membership Secretary
Craft Potters Association of Great Britain
21 Carnaby Street
London W1V 1PH.
Telephone 0207 7437 6781
Fax. 020 7287 9954.

Contemporary Ceramics

The CPA owns and operates Contemporary Ceramics the leading studio ceramics gallery in London’s West End. Alongside work by members there is an extensive range of books that can be browsed in the gallery and online at where they can be purchased.

Ceramic Review

The CPA also publishes Ceramic Review, the International Magazine of Ceramic Art and Craft. Ceramic Review is published bimonthly and is recognised as one of the world’s leading journals on contemporary ceramics.

To find our more about many other activities of the CPA visit the website or contact at the address above.